Chapter 10

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  Masters told Coke that Hugo owned a large garage. It was where the secret documents Hugo sold were kept. They got into Masters’ white Jaguar and drove there. It was almost evening when they got to the garage.
  “Now tell me exactly where the documents and the microfilms are kept,” Coke said, “I’ll kill you here and now if you don’t answer!”
  “They’re kept in Hugo’s office, in an ordinary file in his desk.”
  Coke gave Kate the pistol. “Keep him here until I get back,” he said.
  Coke managed to get into the dark garage. Suddenly someone seized him and knocked him out. He realized, just before he lost consciousness, that what had happened in Epping Forest was happening to him all over again.
  When he came to again, he saw Kate tied to a chair. Hugo was shouting, “I said we were going to do the job properly this time!”
  It seemed there was nothing he could do and nobody could help him.
  Suddenly Baxter dropped through the sky-light. Three more policemen followed him. Baxter walked over to Hugo. “I’ve heard everything you’ve said.” Before Hugo could protest, he and the others were led away. “What we know now already proves you were innocent,” Baxter said to Coke.
  Question: Do you think Coke was innocent or not?
  One or Two Points
  Take a hairpin and open its points until they are four centimeters away from each other. Ask your friend to close his eyes and tell you if you are pressing one or two points of the hairpin against his arm. He will find with surprise that he can’t tell you that correctly. When you are pressing two points, he will feel them as one point.
  Now close the hairpin until its points are only two millimeters away from each other. Put the points on your friend’s finger-tips and ask him the same question. Now he will be right. He will tell you correctly if you are pressing one or two points of the hairpin against his finger-tips.
  This simple experiment shows that different parts of the body feel the points ofin a different way. You can, if you want, find out which parts of the body feel the points of pressure better and which feel them worse.
  Try to complete the sentence by filling in the blank with one word.
  Chapter 10: He was innocent but framed up by the real criminals.(At the end of the story, we know it was not Coke but Hugo and Masters who sold military secrets to foreign countries. What the police knew already proved Coke was innocent.)
  One or Two Points: pressure
《七寇伏尸记》电影海报  《七寇伏尸记》(1956年)是美国导演巴德·伯蒂彻(Budd Boetticher,1916—2001)的作品。巴德·伯蒂彻本身就很有传奇色彩。他本是职业斗牛士,后来进军电影界。和自身经历相关,他拍摄了很多硬汉电影,尤其是西部片。《七寇伏尸记》是其中的代表作,巴赞更是称其为 “ 西部片的典范”。从情节上看,这是典型的复仇片。一  斯泰德曾经是银镇警长,但在新一届选举中落选
杜拉斯本人在谈到影片《印度之歌》(1975)时如此评价:“一切都建立在演员与人物的分裂以及声音和画面的距离上,造成了一种存在的微颤,一种妙不可言的不适,一种爱情燃烧的忧思。”两个小时的电影里,渲染了一种炎热、压抑、倦怠、迟滞的环境,塑造了在其中的疯狂、麻木、绝望的人,使得观众沉浸其中,仿佛是故事的参与者或近距离的旁观者。  为了营造出这样的气氛,《印度之歌》采用了大量音画技法,其中最为突出的就是音
2017年秋天,美剧《使女的故事》横扫第69 届艾美奖,斩获六项剧情类大奖,成为最大赢家。电视剧的成功将发表于1985年的同名小说再次带回大众的视野,年近耄耋的加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德(1939— )也被更多的人所熟知。自20世纪60年代中期开始,阿特伍德便以其旺盛而持久的创作力活跃于文坛。作为诺贝尔文学奖的热门候选人之一,她先后获得加拿大文学总督奖、克拉克科幻文学奖、布克奖、卡夫卡文学奖等国
平面向量是高中新教材中新增加的重要内容和工具之一. 在内容方面,,是中学数学的重要内容和工具,它有着丰富的物理背景,,既是代数研究的对象,又是几何研究的对象,是集“数、形”于一身的数学概念。. 在复习过程中,要通过向量的知识性和工具性这两大特性的教学,增强分析问题和解决问题的能力.在知识性的训练上,以基础知识和基本公式为工具,建议同学们在掌握基础知识的同时,训练的题目不宜过难,以中等难度题为限.第
2006年高考理科综合《考试大纲》关于对考生的实验能力提出了“能灵活地运用已学过的物理理论、实验方法和实验仪器去处理问题”的要求,《考试大纲》,还更明确地把“设计和完成实验的能力”作为五个考试目标中的一个目标其中之一。. 因此,这就要求我们在高考实验复习中,应该在做好掌握课本上的分组实验和、演示实验的基础上同时,充分重视给予设计性实验的分析和讨论足够的重视。. 本文就几种典型的设计性实验题做简单归
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冈本可能子  冈本可能子(1889—1939)是日本大正、昭和时期著名的小说家。她出生于东京赤坂区青山南町大贯家,毕业于迹见女校。她哥哥大贯晶川中学时就开始活跃在校园文坛,跟谷崎润一郎等少壮作家来往。受其影响,冈本可能子从小就爱写诗歌并投给文学刊物。富裕的家庭、良好的教育以及丰富的感情生活,对她的小说创作产生了影响。她不仅通晓和歌,而且对佛教也有所研究,而作为小说家出道时已是其晚年了。“唯美妖艳”
2006年高考全国理综卷I第27题:  置换反应的通式可以表示为:  单质(1) 化合物(1)===化合物(2) 单质(2)  请写出满足以下要求的3个置换反应的化学方程式:  ①所涉及的元素的原子序数都小于20;  ②6种单质分属6个不同的主族。  这是一道化学反应原理与元素化合物知识、元素周期律结构相联系的学科综合性试题。虽然考生普遍认为该题的难度不大,但在实际的解题过程中,很多考生书写的化学
数列是数学高考中的核心内容之一,而由数列的递推关系式和初始条件导出其通项公式,进而讨论其性质和相关应用则是数列解答题的热点所在.同学们若能适时地选择一些典型问题进行深层次的探究,提炼归纳解题的思想方法,将有利于解题能力的提高. 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏
2007年6月下旬以来,随着长江上游泄洪,洞庭湖水位上升,迫使栖息在湖滩、沼泽和洲滩草地上的田鼠内迁,致使洞庭湖沿岸爆发了近20年来最严重的鼠患。20多亿只田鼠成群结队侵入村庄、田地和防洪大堤,它们吃光花生,咬断水稻,啃掉树皮,见什么啃什么,严重威胁到沅江市等22个县市区的人民的生命和财产安全。  各地政府立即组织群众,采取围堤堵鼠、化学灭鼠和人工捕杀等措施,展开了一场“人鼠大战”,基本控制了灾情