Effects of temperature, pH and NaCl on protease activity in digestive tract of young turbot, Scophth

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ll19870627
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The protease activity in digestive tract of young turbot Scophthalmus maximum was studied, and the optimal pH, temperature and NaCl concentration were determined for different portions of the fish’s internal organs. The optimal activity in the fish’s stomach was at pH of 2.2, while that in the intes- tinal extracts was within the alkaline range from 9.5 to 10.0. In hepatopancreas, the optimal pH was in low alkalinity at 8.5. The optimal reaction temperature was above 40℃ in stomach, intestine and hepato- pancreas. With increasing temperature, the pH value increased in stomach, while in the intestine, an op- posite tendency was observed due to combined effect of pH and temperature. NaCl concentration showed inhibitory impact on protein digestion in hepatopancreas. The main protease for protein digestion in turbot seemed to be pepsin. Moreover, the maximum protease activity in different segments of intestine existed in the hindgut. The protease activity in digestive tract of young turbot Scophthalmus maximum was studied, and the optimal pH, temperature and NaCl concentration were determined for different portions of the fish’s internal organs. The optimal activity in the fish’s stomach was at pH of 2.2, while that in the intes- tinal extracts were within the alkaline range from 9.5 to 10.0. In hepatopancreas, the optimal pH was in low alkalinity at 8.5. The optimal reaction temperature was above 40 ° C in stomach, intestine and hepato- pancreas. With increasing temperature, the pH value increased in stomach, while in the intestine, an op- posite tendency was observed due to combined effect of pH and temperature. NaCl concentration saw inhibitory impact on protein digestion in hepatopancreas. The main protease for protein digestion in turbot seemed to be pepsin Moreover, the maximum protease activity in different segments of intestine existed in the hindgut.
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