
来源 :渔业致富指南 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyman9907
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淡水白鲳,它以个体大,生长快,食性杂,肉味鲜美而深受各养殖单位和消费者欢迎,现已成为我国池塘养殖的主要品种之一。 淡水白蝈鲳自引进后,近年来发生了多种鱼病,有些病危害极大,死亡率高。笔者在漳州市的龙父区、南靖县等地的一些淡水白鲳鱼种越冬池中,发现了一种“打转病”,此病一旦发生,若不及时治疗、会导致大批鱼苗死亡。1996年11月初,发现此病时,笔者曾用鱼虾敌菌灵、百病净等药物全池泼洒,并内服抗菌药物,效果均不佳。以后采用烟丝和食盐治疗此病,获得显著的效果,现将该病的症状和用药情况报告如下,供读者参考。 Freshwater whitefly, it is an individual big, fast growing, miscellaneous eating, meat taste and welcomed by farms and consumers, has now become one of the major species of pond culture in China. Since the introduction of the freshwater white jellyfish, a number of fish diseases have taken place in recent years and some are extremely harmful and have a high mortality rate. In Zhanglong City, Longtan District, Nanjing County and other places some of the freshwater white catfish overwintering pool, found a “turn disease”, the disease occurs, if not treated, will lead to a large number of fry deaths. In early November 1996, when the disease was found, the author once used Quanchiposa such as fish and shrimp bacterin and all kinds of drugs, and took antibacterial drugs orally and the results were not good. After the use of tobacco and salt treatment of the disease, access to significant results, the disease is now reported the following symptoms and medication for readers reference.
水蛭养殖与水生植物间作 ,即利用水生植物茭白、莲藕、蒲草、水芹等及水域中丰富的底栖动物、浮游生物以及土中腐屑微生物等自然资源 ,进行养殖水蛭 ,是一项新兴的水产业 ,以
一份关于数学教育之未来的报告《人人有份》是美国数学科学教育委员会和美国数学委员会等联合提交美国当局的一份报告。报告原题为Everg body Counts,发表于1989年,其中文节
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1999~ 2 0 0 0年冬春季节。福建省东山、漳浦养殖九孔鲍鱼暴发急性、毁灭性传染病流行。经过一系列实验室检验和病例复制试验 ,证实它是由一种大小 5 0~ 80 x12 0~ 15 0 nm球状
紫菜味道鲜美,是低热量的食物,紫菜的营养价值很高,含有各种维生素和矿物质,尤其富含维生素A和C,是深受群众欢迎的食品。 一、紫菜养殖技术的发展 在日本紫菜养殖始于17世纪后叶,那时紫
哪里料到,一个月前,他们接到美国法院一张传票,国税局告他们欠税不缴,要他们刑事法庭见。这下他们才感到事情闹大了。 Where expected, a month ago, they received a summo