Preparation of Ni nanoparticles plating by electrodeposition using reverse microemulsion as template

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dygaalove4390
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Ni nanoparticles plating was prepared in reverse microemulsion. The deposition was carried out through the Brownian motion of water pools in the reverse microemulsion and the adsorption of water pools on the electrode surface. Effects of electrolytic parameters on the size of Ni particles were studied. The performances of hydrogen evolution and hydrogen storage of the Ni nanoparticles plating electrode were also investigated. The results indicate that the size of Ni nanoparticles decreases with the increase of Ni2+ concentration and the decrease of current density. The electrochemical activity of Ni nanoparticles plating electrode is much higher than that of bulk Ni electrode. Ni nanoparticles plating was prepared in reverse microemulsion. The deposition was carried out through the Brownian motion of water pools in the reverse microemulsion and the adsorption of water pools on the electrode surface. performances of hydrogen evolution and hydrogen storage of the Ni nanoparticles plating electrode were also investigated. The results of that size of Ni nanoparticles decreases with the increase of Ni2 + concentration and the decrease of current density. higher than that of bulk Ni electrode.
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